Friday 7 October 2011

Bring on the School holidays

Well Ive now lost 26.4 lbs since joining loseit back in July. some days have been easier than others,  Ive taken up jogging which I do at night, Roxy our dog seems to prefer jogging than walking too, I cant say Im winning any marathons, often by the end of my 20-30 minute jog shes walking along beside me. but I have noticed the past few times, that I have more energy and am not finding it as tiring, and when we get back home, I feel I could actually jog a bit longer.

people are starting to notice my weight loss now, espeically people I dont know who see me on the street, Ive noticed a great change in my waredrobe already, and even sold a lot of my larger clothes in an online auction site and got over $300 in one week! so that was an added bonus!

Now I am getting much closer to 100kgs.. YAY! havent been there in quite a few moons

must also add while Im here, how depressing it is to write all this and only have one watcher, but thats ok Its more of a diary for myself than others to read lol.

Here is my 30 lb weight loss thus far

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