Saturday 3 September 2011

And the birthdays begin.....

well last week I weighed in for the biggest loser here where I am, and gained 200g (.4lbs) now, I know its really not much, but when youre doing a biggest loser and have to pay $1 every 100g It sucks!, I dont really get it at all! it makes no sense as I did nothing special that week at all.

well onto birthdays... It was my beautiful daughters 10th birthday party today, I have a birthday every month from Aug 30th (her birthday) till jan... so hers was the other day, then my son turns 13 on the 24th of september, my husbands 34 on the 21st of october, our 8th wedding annervesary is on the 26th of october, my oldest daughter turns 15 on the 13th of November, my youngest son turns 5 on the 21st of December, my birthday is the 23rd of december and christmas is the 25th of december, followed closly by my other sons 7th birthday on the 17th of January.

theres a few friends and nephews thrown in there for good measure too, but its also the creche and school potluck lunches and wee parties that are going to be difficult too.

today I managed to get through ok. as I was the one throwing the party I made sure there were healthier options such as popcorn, rice crackers with low cal dip, and homemade pizzas so I didnt have to pick at the sausage rolls and  no one even noticed I didnt have any cake! lets hope the rest of the year can go just as well.

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