Friday 7 October 2011

Bring on the School holidays

Well Ive now lost 26.4 lbs since joining loseit back in July. some days have been easier than others,  Ive taken up jogging which I do at night, Roxy our dog seems to prefer jogging than walking too, I cant say Im winning any marathons, often by the end of my 20-30 minute jog shes walking along beside me. but I have noticed the past few times, that I have more energy and am not finding it as tiring, and when we get back home, I feel I could actually jog a bit longer.

people are starting to notice my weight loss now, espeically people I dont know who see me on the street, Ive noticed a great change in my waredrobe already, and even sold a lot of my larger clothes in an online auction site and got over $300 in one week! so that was an added bonus!

Now I am getting much closer to 100kgs.. YAY! havent been there in quite a few moons

must also add while Im here, how depressing it is to write all this and only have one watcher, but thats ok Its more of a diary for myself than others to read lol.

Here is my 30 lb weight loss thus far

Friday 16 September 2011

20 pounds bites the dust

well as of thursday I have now lost 20lbs in 2 months. Im starting to get a bit more of an understanding of how works. as the week I lost 5.7 lbs, I had exercised a lot, and probably eaten less calories than I should have, but the past 2 weeks Ive lost 1.9 kgs and then 900g (2lbs) using a combination of exercise and not eating all my calories from exercise. I still ate my allocated calories each day, some days going over if I was particularly hungry.

I have noticed some people on loseit eating up to 1000 calories under their allocated budgets each day, dont get me wrong, Ive done it a few days too, but when you look at my exercise its obvious that those calories are from the exercise I have done that day, not from under eating. I know some of them havent updated their calorie intake that day, or have like me, done a fair bit of exercise, but its so disheartenign to see people who arent exercising eating that few calories in the hope of losing weight.
I guess I just see it differently than some people, for me, I dont want to count my calories for ever, I want to understand my body, and find out why I eat when I do, or why I eat so much when Im no longer hungry and the food tastes nice.   I like food, thats why I almost always eat all my allocated calories. but there are some days Im just not hungry and so end up a few hundred calories under.

so right now I am 105.3 kg (231.6)  I was 2 months ago over 250 so its great to see those numbers going down, and right now I am the lightest Ive been in 6 years. the last time I was this light, I was pregnant with my 4th baby. I started that pregnancy at 187 lbs, and finished it 9 months later over 260 lbs. I was on bedrest for the first 18 weeks as I was bleeding, and still cant believe I gained that much weight that quickly. 

Ive also noticed clothes much looser, as I had already lost 10-15 lbs prior to starting loseit, I have lost at least 2 dress sizes, I was about a size 22-24 and now Im an 16-18 top, and about a size 20 in jeans. so its exciting to see all my old clothes just too big to wear.  Im selling them all on trademe, to help pay for our new fence :D

Saturday 3 September 2011

And the birthdays begin.....

well last week I weighed in for the biggest loser here where I am, and gained 200g (.4lbs) now, I know its really not much, but when youre doing a biggest loser and have to pay $1 every 100g It sucks!, I dont really get it at all! it makes no sense as I did nothing special that week at all.

well onto birthdays... It was my beautiful daughters 10th birthday party today, I have a birthday every month from Aug 30th (her birthday) till jan... so hers was the other day, then my son turns 13 on the 24th of september, my husbands 34 on the 21st of october, our 8th wedding annervesary is on the 26th of october, my oldest daughter turns 15 on the 13th of November, my youngest son turns 5 on the 21st of December, my birthday is the 23rd of december and christmas is the 25th of december, followed closly by my other sons 7th birthday on the 17th of January.

theres a few friends and nephews thrown in there for good measure too, but its also the creche and school potluck lunches and wee parties that are going to be difficult too.

today I managed to get through ok. as I was the one throwing the party I made sure there were healthier options such as popcorn, rice crackers with low cal dip, and homemade pizzas so I didnt have to pick at the sausage rolls and  no one even noticed I didnt have any cake! lets hope the rest of the year can go just as well.

Thursday 25 August 2011

week one of the weight loss challenge

I lost 5.7 lbs in the last week. I was shocked. I am unsure of whether or not its just Im not eating my exercise points, maybe once or twice a week ill go over my allocated 1900 calories, but I havent been in the red since the first week I joined here. but Im not hungry at all during the day, sometimes at night my tummy grumbles, but Ive never been one for eating at night.

So I doubt I will loose that much each week, would be nice, theres money up for grabs in one of the weight loss challenges Im doing, the other one has a life time memebership to a gym. 

on the same note, I know I wont be losing that much weight each week. but I think I'll continue on as I have been, eating when I'm hungry and watching my portion sizes. the last 5 days has been gorgous weather. so that has helped.

Friday 19 August 2011

The challenge is on

this is me 110.5 kgs (243 lbs)

I was weighed on friday for the weight loss challenge through creche. their scales made me 8 lbs heavier than my own at home (tho in retrospect I was wearing clothing) so I probably am about this weight fully dressed. either way this comp is running until just before christmas.  lets hope we see those numbers drop and the pictures improve!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

biggest loser creche style

I've just joined the biggest loser though my son's creche. I think it goes for 12 weeks. and I get weighed every Thursday (well first weigh in tomorrow then thursdays)  the deal is, if you gain, you pay $1 per 100 lbs. so if I gain 1 kg, theres $20. if you lose you dont pay anything. the person who loses the most at the end of the 12 weeks wins most of the money from the kitty, and the 2nd and 3rd get a cut. sounds jpretty straighforward. hmm... and could be the kick in the butt I need

Where to start?

Starting here. in the middle. This is my weightloss journey.   I started to lose weight about a year ago. I had maintained a weight of 260 for about 5 years after the birth of my 5th child. He turns five in Decemeber and over the past year I have managed with help from lose it (which I joined a month ago) to shed about 35 lbs. So I'm on my way, from misery to happiness... ok.. I can't say I was miserable. life is actually pretty good. just have a few (a.k.a. 50) pounds that is nudging me in the side.

So you ask? where's the witty lines, the whimsicle words that will bring others back to read my woes of weight loss?

I dunno... but I hope update on my journey